Rio Tinto resumes operations at Richards Bay Mineral mine after a spate of… Editor SOUTH AFRICA: “The safety and security of our people is always our first priority and we are pleased that we will…
Vale completes emergency containment works to reduce sediment flow in Brumadinho. Editor BRAZIL: Three large containment structures (two hydraulic filtration barriers and a dike) and 25 small stabilizing…
Blasting Breakthrough as First hydrogen peroxide-based emulsion detonation trial… Editor “These blasts have confirmed that we are pursuing the right pathway forward,” states Dr. Kettle, Senior…
Diamond funders meet with the world’s second biggest miner, Alrosa on… Editor Moscow, RUSSIA: “Changes in the rough and polished diamond industry reflect global transformations, ranging from…
Glencore to join The Responsible Sourcing Blockchain Network enabling responsible… Editor Baar, Switzerland : “RSBN plays a key role in advancing the sustainable partnership between the producers of…
FLSmidth launches a new generation of information systems management for cement… Editor “With on-demand and remote access to key data points, we are putting users in control of optimising their plant and…
Young and Effective: New General Manager to drive Maptek-Africa into the future… Editor What does the future of mining require from those assuming leadership positions? This is the question that everyone…
Vale takes measures to recover and develop Brumadinho and affected territories. Editor Vale is striving to fully repair the damage caused by the Dam 1 breach, including social and environmental…
Komatsu P&H4800XPC- A beast in the mining load and haul fraternity has been… Editor Robust and Stable Design: That is how the new Komatsu 4800XPC can be likened to when it comes to versatility and…