The Mining Executive
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How Can Mining Companies Better Protect Their Workers?

I Human Resources I
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“Mining sites are typically noisy environments, even with the best hearing protection equipment available. And this puts workers at serious risk of long-term hearing loss. Companies can invest in equipment options that come with alterations to control noise levels. This way, mine workers will not be exposed to deafening noise levels throughout the day. For example, miners can opt for rubber applications like rubber liners, as they can reduce noise levels while increasing the lifespan of the equipment. Mental health is another issue worth considering. Although it might not necessarily fall under safety, miners work in environments that can easily affect their mental health, which should be a source of concern to business owners. “

The mining business is risky, especially for the frontline workers who put their lives at stake going several feet in the earth’s crust. There are several news reports about trapped miners in various parts of the world. In addition to such hazards, miners also work close to heavy machinery and often have to undertake seriously strenuous tasks, often under difficult working conditions. Even with the mining industry making significant efforts to reduce the number of casualties in the business, mining still has one the highest rates of worker fatalities of any other industry. The overexposure to airborne respirable dust puts them at risk of developing respiratory or lung diseases. So what can mining companies do to offer better protection for their frontline workers? Here are a few suggestions.

Provide adequate safety equipment

Despite all the potential risks miners are likely to face, the proper safety equipment can go a long way to ensuring their protection. Personal protective equipment in mining includes head protection, cap lamps, eye and face protection, respiratory protection, ear protection, foot protection, skin protection, belts and harnesses, protection from heat and cold, and clothes, to mention a few.

As a mining business owner, exposing miners to the numerous work hazards without the needed protection can easily lead to a lawsuit, as you’ll be seen as negligently putting your worker’s life and health at risk. Workers, on their part, can seek legal protection from a skilled group of personal injury attorneys if your negligence leads to them sustaining injuries while at work.

Provide sufficient training

Before you think about sending any staff member to a mining site, you must ensure that they know what is expected of them, especially regarding their safety. There is only so much a company can do to keep its workers safe. However, while on the site, every miner needs to put their safety (and their colleagues) in their own hands. Providing adequate training can help ensure this.

Your workers need to know how to safely operate their machinery and have the proper technique for lifting and carrying heavy items. You can provide such employee training through regular on-site training programs. Businesses can also extend the training programs to cover the proper use of personal protective equipment. Indeed, a business owner can enforce punitive measures on workers who refuse to use their protective equipment for their safety.

Ensure that there are enough safe access roots at various parts of the mining site

Access in and out of a mining site is crucial. Every mining company needs to provide several access ways purposely created for easy movement of human traffic and heavy equipment to and from the mining location. In many cases, poor access can impede safe movement, especially during accidents on the site. Creating enough access ways can also help reduce the risks of slips, falls, trips, etc. These access ways can also help prevent collisions between human traffic and heavy machinery on the mining site.

Use the right equipment

As a mining business owner, you want to help reduce the risk of equipment-related injuries as much as possible. One of the best ways to do this is to opt for lightweight equipment wherever possible. Even with a highly well-trained mining team, the risks of injuries can quickly go up when working with hefty equipment or machinery. To ensure that you reduce the possibility of any strain on your workers, always look for lightweight equipment whenever you can. The lighter your mining equipment weighs, the easier it is for your workers to move them around or maneuver into complex spaces without physically exhausting your workers too much. That also means that they can get their jobs done faster.


Be intentional about hearing and mental health

Mining sites are typically noisy environments, even with the best hearing protection equipment available. And this puts workers at serious risk of long-term hearing loss. Companies can invest in equipment options that come with alterations to control noise levels. This way, mine workers will not be exposed to deafening noise levels throughout the day. For example, miners can opt for rubber applications like rubber liners, as they can reduce noise levels while increasing the lifespan of the equipment. Mental health is another issue worth considering. Although it might not necessarily fall under safety, miners work in environments that can easily affect their mental health, which should be a source of concern to business owners.

As a business owner in the mining sector, it is vital to prepare and protect your workers from the potential risks associated with their profession. The above tips are an excellent place to start.

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