The Mining Executive
"Global Mining Decisions In Your Palms"

Anglo American-Quellaveco a world-class mine

Building a world-class mine in one of the largest undeveloped resource with enough copper to wire 90 Million vehicles or 80 Million homes, Quellaveco mine in Peru will become another flagship mine of modern copper mining.

Expected Investment:US$5.3 Billion
Operating Cost :US$1.05/pound of copper produced
Reserves :1.3 Billion tones containing 7.5 Million Tons of Copper
Workforce:9000 during development and about 2500 in Operation Phase
Life: About 30 Years


By the time production reaches its peak, AngloAmerican will have owned the ore body for nearly 30 years, spent more than 15 years laying the groundwork, invested millions of dollars, and made thousands of decisions necessary to get the mine up and running. Anglo believe that this attention to detail and commitment to preparation will allow the mine not only to succeed but to exceed expectations.

In fact, before the first copper ore is extracted from the mine, the company is already thinking ahead. “We see significant potential to expand Quellaveco beyond its current 30-year reserve life as well as to increase throughput above the initial capacity of 127,500 tonnes (140,500 tons) per day,” says Anglo American Chief Executive Mark Cutifani.

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